I’m quite a big fan of abstract photographs. I love the way these photos engage the viewer in a game of “What is this? What is going on here? I’d be curious to know if anyone can figure out what’s going on in this image? and…do you like it?

Can you guess what this a photograph of?
Don’t let Reaume’s comment get to you. He’s a well known nut-case who has been the laughingstock of the gallery and museum world for 20 years. His early self-written promotional mailings declaring himself the only true abstractionist and the greatest blah blah blah were passed from around from one end of N. American to another and are in more art museum files than his work every will be. I still have a couple in my file that I pull out from time to time to illustrate how and unbridled ego matched with an absolute lack of talent is a sad and pathetic combination. He’d crow about his great accomplishments, but when you’d check out his supposed resume you’d find a few little exhibits in cafes or a library if I recall. The guy is delusional. Ignore him.
An overdone image of reflections on water. Who has not taken a photo like this. So uncreative, so unabstract. Push yourself well beyond this boring, ordinary still photography. Open a new door; close this door behind you. I have some abstract images on flickr. Find them using my name. Read my profile. Tom Reaume
Only because this is the My photo did I approve this comment, which was rude.
I took a look at your abstract shots on flickr…honestly, given the arrogance of your comment I was expecting much more interesting work.
Thanks alex and Susan — yeah i guess this one was too easy. It’s water on the beach underexposed by 1 stop. next one will be harder!
shimmering water?
Sparkly water?
I love abstract stuff as well — actually near-abstracts are my favourites: Images that (most) viewers can figure out what it is, but only after looking at it for a bit. I find those images make the viewing an interactive and rewarding experience. But, there’s also the risk of making it boring or frustrating if the viewer can’t figure it out.