I took this shot of my friend and fellow podcaster/social media expert Julien Smith a few weeks ago in Parc Lafontaine in Montreal. Julien needed some promo shots and so we talked about what he wanted and took a variety of shots in the ‘good light’. As I do with all my shoots, after giving the client what they request, I always try a few shots of what I think ‘works’ for their look and personality even though it might not be their first instinct. Although there were many excellent shots from this shoot, this shot is my fave of the lot. I like this shot because Julien’s pose is very casual and the pose in the setting which I scouted beforehand has a teacher/guru like feel, which for me is in keeping with how I see Julien.

Portrait of Julien Smith
On a technical note, Julien has wicked good eyes that reflect a lot of light so my fill flash was set to minus 3 stops lower than the ambient light. The ISO was 400 shot at F2.8 at 1/250.
If memory serves, this was shot aperture priority with the flash set at minus 3.
Did you use manual mode or aperture mode?
I wonder how to add fill light. Do you meter without flash, then add the flash with the same exposure?
What a great shot and since I know Julien I can say that it really captures his spirit perfectly. Especially the slight showing of the tattoos on the arm and ankle.
This shot is so striking, what amazing eyes he has! Great shot!
Stunning! What a wonderful shot, Marko! Bravo!