It’s funny how‚various photography techniques can resurface at any moment depending on what you are looking at.…Given the infinite variety of things to see, it means that there is never a lack of subjects to photograph.
I guess this shot was inspired by the macro on the cheap podcast but it’s not a macro shot at all. It’s a simple lower angled shot of some melting ice but for some reason its shape intrigues me. When‚I first looked at it, it‚seemed like a mini model of something larger. It was photographed using the long end of my 70-200mm zoom. There was actually water moving through the ice that unfortunately‚I was unable to capture because‚I needed a slower speed and it was too bright…and oh yeah, I forgot my filters like a bonehead. Still, there’s something here that pleases me.
Exif Data — ISO 100 — F-32 1/6. You can click the image to make it tastier on the eyes.
Hi Marko,
At 1st glance I agree with Yves, thought it was your shadow.
Too funny — didn’t even notice that Yves, but it’s not my shadow, it’s just a spot where melted water gathered. Besides, my shadow is so much cuter : )
Thx — Marko
Hey Marko, I like this shot too! The bottom right looks like it is your shadow though at 200mm this is highly unlikely!