A Mad Moment — Life in Your Hands — Mad Aussie

As pho­tog­ra­phers we often find our­selves in all man­ner of sit­u­a­tions, and some­times, our moral­ity can be tested. Do we take the pic­ture of the lit­tle girl because we think she is a lit­tle cutie? Should we take a photo of that auto acci­dent? Take the photo, or let the lit­tle crea­ture die? These are just a few examples.

Just what bound­aries lie out there for us? Where and how do we find those bound­aries and lim­its within our­selves? What sub­jects and ele­ments are off lim­its to you per­son­ally when you have your cam­era in your hot, lit­tle hands?

Recently in our forums I posed a cou­ple of ques­tions to explore this line of thought. You can see those threads by click­ing the links below. I think you might find the dis­cus­sions inter­est­ing AND, I hope, you’ll even con­sider join­ing the forum your­self and telling us your thoughts as well.

Forum Threads

Life in Your Hands

Off Lim­its

By Mad Aussie — Photography.ca blog con­trib­u­tor & forum mem­ber

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