PDN PhotoPlus Expo — New York — Oct. 28–30, 2010

Just in case you have never heard of this trade show, it’s AWESOME. I’m going again (my sec­ond time) this year.

Basi­cally, all the man­u­fac­tures in the pho­tog­ra­phy world that you know will be there with their prod­ucts (some brand new), as well as plenty of smaller com­pa­nies that you will not have heard of. Those smaller com­pa­nies are super-interesting as many of them make niche prod­ucts. Reg­is­tra­tion is free for the trade show until a week before the event. The prod­ucts are shown on 2 humon­gous floors in the Jacob Jav­its cen­ter in NYC.

IN ADDITION — The Pho­to­plus expo also has an amaz­ing selec­tion of sem­i­nars (with well-known instruc­tors) that you can choose to attend if you pay for them.

Hope to see some of you there, and feel free to con­nect with me before­hand so we can meet up in NYC. Just as an FYI, hotels in NYC are crazy expen­sive. If you want to save a few bucks stay in east New Jersey.

Reg­is­tra­tion is here

The sem­i­nar sched­ule is here

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