I'm thinking the forum board is needing some division.

Just to be clear for those not certain on the terminology ... this forum is a big 'Forum Board' which has 'Forums' within it and within some of those are 'Sub Forums' which have 'Threads' (or Topics) and within those are our 'Posts' (or Reply's)

For instance ... the 'Show Your Photo' section is a 'Forum' ... inside that is 'Sub Forums' like 'Animals', 'People' etc and inside those are the 'Threads' like 'Just a Little Bird'

Looking at the Forum Board itself there's little division to section off forums into similar topics. This requires 'Categories' and currently there is only one ... 'Photography and Fine Art Photography'

I also find that the Members Choice threads and Marko's Choice threads are kinda shoved into the Show your photo forum and clutter up the top of that.

What I was thinking would help, is to have more of the Categories (in blue below) to help segregate all the Forums into similar topics.

Something like this ...

Announcements and site information

Suggestions & Improvements

Introduce yourself here

Off topic forum

Education & Technical
Camera Equipment & Accessories

Photography references + Resources


Photography & Fine Art Photography
Members Monthly Choice

Marko's Choice of the Month

Show Your Photo
- Animals
- Architecture & Man Made
- Landscapes
- People photography


Photo Assignments
- Photographing Words
- Post-processing

Alternative photography

Digital photography

General Photography

This also allows people to 'turn off' each category they are not currently viewing if they want a simplified view of the forum board.

I know not everyone will like this idea but I do see things getting messy in a hurry around here as the forum grows.