So I've been casting about for a project to sharpen my skills and give me long-term photographic possibilities. Little did I know the perfect study is literally just outside my door.

I've decided to photograph the life cycle of the Lilies of the Valley next to my front walk. Some consider them a pest flower as they are prolific, hardy and often take over an area to the detriment of everything else. It's all true. They send out runners many, many feet from the main patch and colonize a new area. Although not thought to be highly poisonous, the medicinal indications are similar to digitalis (foxglove). They are intensely fragrant and have lush leaves hiding delicate, white bell-shaped blossoms. I used to pick them for my mother when I was a child.

March 31st -

Olympus E-30 | OM 90mm f2 macro lens | ISO 100 | f8 | 4/10th sec | ziplock bag containing fleece gloves (tripod replacement)

I will post more throughout the seasons.