Once in a while on my photo walks down at Deer Lake I see the now familiar face of a wonderful old timer. All the regulars on the paths and trails seem to know him and when one comes across the old gent, he's usually chatting with someone. Yesterday I found him slightly off the trail in a field standing next to an old, hollowed out cedar fence post. He looked up, saw me and motioned me over saying " Come and see what I have in this old piece of wood" The old cedar post is roughly a foot in diameter, five feet high and is hollowed out from the top down about two feet. Inside the post, the old guy had discovered a whole community of lichens and moss.
This old guy, must be in his late seventies, early eighties with hearing aids in both ears. Of late he carries a small Canon g11 camera as he claims that at his age, one needs something light that will fit in a pocket. Without this old guy calling me over, I would have walked right past this post and never discovered the life within. I did the best I could hand held with my 105mm macro but vowed to return with my tripod over the next while. Thanks Old timer:thumbup: