Am finally getting some work done on old slides and putting together a new Smugmug gallery. Took a trip to Washington in 2006. Unfortunately didn't put real effort into my photos, but even casual snaps turn out well with scenery like they have out there.

These were taken near Mt Baker, but I can't remember where. Hiking was out since I was still in an air cast so we had to make do with very easy access, touristy type spots.

Our view from our Cliffehouse at a winery/inn in the upper Columbia river valley. It's a better hotel than a winery.

We also went to Bellingham where I'd stayed in this hotel before. It's right on the bay

and luckily there was a good sunset on the night we were there.

Thanks for looking. These are a mix of slide scans and digital files. Am working on the gallery today if you want to check it out. Cheers.