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I'm surprised nobody else has commented on this. I like the home made support and the old wooden fence.
Yeah it would be a nice project to do someday. Someday when I own a house anyway.
I may have cropped this differently but I do like the scene.
Thanks to all for taking a look and commenting... what'd ya have in mind Marko?... maybe cropped just at the beginning of the fence on the left and just below the points on the fence in the background?
:) bang on, on the fence points, and I was also thinking this might also look good as a square. Just a thought.
I agree with the cropping idea. I love the little bird house--I can't help but think that maybe it is the bird's mailbox.
Something like this? I kinda think this is what you had in mind, Marko ...knowing how you like to usually center in on the main subject. I think it's a good crop and see nothing really wrong with it. Just my personal prefs is I like having a little bit of the environment surrounding the subject. In this case it gives my imagination to think about green pastures and maybe rolling hills in a country scene. Thanks for the comments and time to look. I really appreciate it. Like I said I don't see anything wrong with the crop, if this is something like you had mind.
Very cool mailbox/fence, and really like the way you captured this, especially the cropped version.
Thank you HBG! I really appreciate your comments.