Winter stroll
We got a little bit of snow here on Friday evening, so I got my butt outta bed early on Saturday morning, before the sun had a chance to ruin the winter wonderland, and, although I missed a beautiful sunrise (because I was gauging how much cloud cover there was by looking out a west facing window...). I am pretty pleased with the images that accompanied my frozen toes home.
Here are a few that I transferred to my iPad while the main computer was working on a pano.....
Untitled by Justin Ryan sr, on Flickr
Untitled by Justin Ryan sr, on Flickr
And my favorite, thus far....
Untitled by Justin Ryan sr, on Flickr
This last one, I originally shot with the intention of processing as an HDR, but I am pleased with the image processed through Snapseed. I may still run my images through the HDR software that is part of Canon's DPP, but I know that it won't be crucial for it to come out as beautiful.
These are really nice Justin. I think # 2 is my favourite, but love them all.
"HDR software that is part of Canon's DPP" ??- what is this? I wasnt aware DPP had HDR processing capabilties. Is it something new, or have I always been missing something?
I think I updated my software from Canon's website...I actually found it by accident. I clicked the tools pull down from the top menu, to send an image I was working on tp photoshop, and there it was!
It does a nice job to! It has a few presets for some of those artsy looks, as well as sliders for almost infinite adjustments....
Thanks for that - I just found it. It didnt even know it was there -I will give it a try. DPP is underated I think. I always preferred it to Adobe Camera Raw for raw conversion until ACR came out with Process 2012
I am running CS3, and ACR doesn't support the raw files from my T1i. It was just fine for the files from my XTi, but I would have to update to CS5 for the files to work....and I don't have that kind of money, or even that much need for photoshop. I can do the brunt work in DPP and if I need more, transfer the image to photoshop.
Sweet as honey and the light in the third one is as golden as, too.
Very nice on all three JR. Love the golden glow in that last one.
Really lovely set Justin!