From the bridge
you get a new perspective on the venerable Merrimack River, driver of mills and hydro electric turbines. As little as 35 years ago a person would practically die from merely touching the water it was so polluted. Now though, after a massive clean up effort along its hundreds of miles, it is healthy enough to support a fishery. Here's the view upriver from the trestle -
Those little rocky islands have always fascinated me. And I love how the sun lit up the near trees, but the horizon was still in shade on that last shot. Anyway...all done w/the E-30 and the ZD 12-60mm with the polarizer on.
These are very nice and I'm sorry we missed them. My favourite is the third of this set! Just lovely.
Thanks Igman. There are a lot of threads these days and I don't see them all either. I wonder how the watershed people found them...must be a google or RSS feed or something.
Is this the only place you posted them? If so, they were probably found via a Google image search. This site is indexed by Google.
No, they're on my hosting sites too.
nice shots WD. I also like the story of how the river was reclaimed. :)
thanks girl. It is pretty amazing how clean it is now. People boat and swim in it even. When I was a kid it was a joke. And I misspoke, the whole river is probably 100 miles. It starts in NH and ends on the north shore in Mass.
Cool stuff! I like the second one best, even with the wires and the bridge corner in it.
Thanks JAS. I normally try to exclude stuff like that, but I thought the bridge at least framed the trees on the island. And the wires...well, they're a bane, aren't they? I think there's a road over there that way, but I'm pretty sure it's not accessible by cars anymore. I really should go over and look. Maybe tomorrow.
Beautiful looking river with all that autumn.
Well, you've got strawberries in season, so they all have their perks. Thanks.
Very nice set WD. Love the composition of that last shot.
I like the third shot especially because of the sky giving the picture some depth effect.
I forgot how beautiful the east cost is this time of year.