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October - post processing assignment - Image by Ben H

This is a discussion on October - post processing assignment - Image by Ben H within the Post -processing forums, part of the Photo assignments category; Edited by Marko - Ok members there's yet a new assignment for October - Post processing. The assignment is to ...

  1. #1
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Edited by Marko - Ok members there's yet a new assignment for October - Post processing.
    The assignment is to fix up Ben H's image (in THIS thread) using the program of your choice. Since we all want to learn this, the only 'rule' is to describe what you did to the image to 'fix' it.

    For next month's assignment we'll post (or any member can take the lead) a few days before and ask for submissions for an image that we can all play with. Then we'll choose the image and people can describe their techniques.
    Thanks so much for this suggestion - it's a great one! Marko
    (FYI - the posts in this thread were merged to decrease confusion for this first post-processing assignment)

    Added - I see Ben H put up a Hi res version of his image here That's great - thx. Feel free to work on that hi res image, and then upload the 'fixed' version here. You can upload it at a low res version (less than 150K) or if it's more than 150 K the board will shrink it for you..or use a 3rd party link...all good.


    Originally Posted by marko View Post in Podcast Copy and pasted to here by

    Marko said:
    But in no way am I an expert in the processing/retouching is something that I'm learning along with the rest of the members.

    TT's suggestion:
    This got me thinking. Since PP is such a new, but necessary playing field how about if we have an assignment thread in Post Processing/Photoshop, PSP, etc.. Each month, someone can volunteer to submit an image that we can all "tinker" with... record the steps we use, share the different out comes and learn new things along the way. I know that there are members who are way beyond the basics, seeing what they would do to an assigned image would be of great benefit. Not to mention the aspects of creativity. There is so much to learn here that having an assignment designated specifically to PP seems to me to be the next step in growing as an image maker.

    I'm into it but I'd like to have a few other people as well...

    many thx!

    i'm in. we've done this on another forum & I always learn something new.

    I'd be willing to try as well, as this is an area where I feel I've got some ways to improve...

    I'm in. I'm more into After Effects and video effects, but some photo retouching is always fun

    Sounds good... the digital dark room is an area in which I am very weak!

    5 people is plenty enough for me and I will create a PP assignment subforum in the next day or so.

    Who wants to volunteer the first photo?

    many thanks! - Marko

    Maybe people could post a pic submission on a thread, and then everyone can choose which pic out of the submissions they most fancy working on by general concensus?

    Then that image becomes the first post of a new thread, where people can download the image (preferably at a good resolution to make the most of image processing) and then submit their version.

    That keeps it manageable, one source photo per thread, with all the variations of that image in the one thread.

    Edit: Ooh, I've got one I can submit, which has some potential for improvement, some potential for artistic interpretation, and a good few artifacts that people can try and fix... this should be quite interesting...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben H View Post
    Maybe people could post a pic submission on a thread, and then everyone can choose which pic out of the submissions they most fancy working on by general concensus?

    Then that image becomes the first post of a new thread, where people can download the image (preferably at a good resolution to make the most of image processing) and then submit their version.

    That keeps it manageable, one source photo per thread, with all the variations of that image in the one thread.

    Edit: Ooh, I've got one I can submit, which has some potential for improvement, some potential for artistic interpretation, and a good few artifacts that people can try and fix... this should be quite interesting...
    I say go for it, Ben!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben H View Post
    It's probably worth a few people submitting possible pics though, as people might just not find any particular image that inspiring to want to work on.

    Anyway, Marko's the boss of us here, so however he wants to run it is ultimately going to be how we do it, I guess..

    Here's a small version of the image I'd send in for this round - lots of room for improvement here:-

    And I'd probably also suggest that there should be no rules as such - an individual can do whatever post processing they want to get an image they are happy with. In short, anything goes. It will be interesting to see how creative some people can get
    But I think the worked on submission should include what steps you take to keep the integrity of a learning process for all.
    Last edited by Marko; 10-17-2008 at 10:41 AM.

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    It's probably worth a few people submitting possible pics though, as people might just not find any particular image that inspiring to want to work on.

    Anyway, Marko's the boss of us here, so however he wants to run it is ultimately going to be how we do it, I guess..

    Here's a small version of the image I'd send in for this round - lots of room for improvement here:-

    And I'd probably also suggest that there should be no rules as such - an individual can do whatever post processing they want to get an image they are happy with. In short, anything goes. It will be interesting to see how creative some people can get
    Last edited by Ben H; 10-13-2008 at 05:25 PM.

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    Ok let's make this a monthly thing as well! Thanks for your image Ben H!
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    Hang on, let me put up the high res image to download and work from - you'll get much better results... bear with me...

    Ok, the full image can be downloaded here:
    Download full image

    (Right click and save as to your computer)

  5. #5
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Default Psp x2

    steps used :
    straighten (level) used the water line/land line.

    crop - i tried to get rid of the burn marks, but took the easy way out

    add/remove noise: - despeckle feature 1 click.

    clarify - 10.0

    adjust: curves: 86>25

    smudge tool to remove 2 specks in the sky settings were:
    circle brush with slight feather on edge
    density: 100
    thickness: 100
    opacity 40

    clone tool to remove 2-3 white specks in the water
    settings were:
    oval brush
    size 47
    hardness 50
    density 100
    thickness 35
    rotation 85
    opacity 94

    amount of time spent: 15 minutes

    Name:  2000and8.jpg
Views: 732
Size:  107.8 KB

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    Nice! - gone for a quite dramatic look!

    I'm working on mine..

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    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben H View Post
    Nice! - gone for a quite dramatic look!

    I'm working on mine..
    I can't wait to see yours, Ben!

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    Marko's Avatar
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    This is fabulous! What a great teaching tool- thanks for the suggestion!

    and I like your dramatic version and cleanup TT.
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    "You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.

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    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks, Marko!

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    PKMax is offline Member
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    Name:  OctPSJob.jpg
Views: 919
Size:  134.7 KB

    ok.. and how it was done.. if I can remember lol.. I didn't think to write it down as I went, so don't know the exact values for each step..


    Exposure +1 ish.

    convert to Black and white and adjust each channel till I got the colours I wanted.

    Lots of Cloning, Dodging and burning to "remove" the obstruction on the right of image.
    also where the damage was severe and covering a large area I cloned the sky from another part of the photo and drew back in the lines for the cable using a Grey lines they Blurred and changed the opacity to roughly match the rest of them.

    Level adjustment
    Added a blueish filter
    Added a Vignette with a layer.

    resized to 1024 width for the webby
    applied a High Pass Sharpen Filter

    sorry to not have the exact values, I ony realised TT had recorded the exact values when I came back. and I don't have the history now, cause I saved and closed it *doh*

    Time:50 Mins.

    Coulda taken more time if it was mine lol, cause there are still areas that need more "fixing" lol. but need to make tea heh

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