You ask for egg cartons, I give you egg cartons ;) How's that for originality? :angel:
You ask for egg cartons, I give you egg cartons ;) How's that for originality? :angel:
Wow have I told you guys and gals how bloody impressed i am with you:highfive: :highfive:
Nice creativity here and excellent quality.... month is still young..I suggest you try again. This is not really that different imo....:footinmou :evil2: :goodvibes
bambi - I blogged your image here
A couple of different POV's on the famous 5 statue in Calgary.
A view of Calgary City Hall.
super cool building casil403, love the angle
Shot this Thursday at my youngest son's graduation at the St. Jean Garrison just south of Montreal. Wanted to get a different view of a jet fuselage.
A different view from the statue called The Conversation: