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Feb. 2010 - Photography assignment - Song titles - Images that suggest a song's title

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    Default Feb. 2010 - Photography assignment - Song titles - Images that suggest a song's title

    Just putting up a post to get a list started.
    Here's mine:
    -Anything Red
    -The look of love/love is" is in keeping with the Hallmark Holiday...define what love is for you via an image.
    -Frame within a frame find an images framed within the frame of something else
    -Song titles- find photo ops/images that suggest the title of a song....

    I think Bambi had a cool idea too but I can't remember what it was.

    That's my input anyhow.....

    Red is good! It is for romance, Valentine's Day or Canada at the Olympics or the Flames or for bonus points "On Red" ala:

    Bike On Red Door on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    Strollmo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    it would be neat to see all the interpretations of 'red' on this one!!!

    Forgive me these suggestions have been done before...

    I like the red idea but here are some others if everyone is not on board with it

    We could do 'Selective Colorization' or 'Me'

    The selective colorization is self explanitory but the 'me' topic could be wouldn't have to be a portrait, that is if you didn't want it to be. It could be a shot that is distinctly you. ie freckles, smile, eyes, birthmark, bellybutton :P be creative!

    Quote Originally Posted by casil403 View Post

    I think Bambi had a cool idea too but I can't remember what it was.

    That's my input anyhow.....
    at first I drew a blank and then I remembered! It was from the Sand Dragon thread and my idea was to take a picture of something that looks like something else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bambi View Post
    it would be neat to see all the interpretations of 'red' on this one!!!
    From Rooster Teeth's Red vs Blue Halo parody...

    "It's not pink, it's light red!"

    I like the red idea and the me idea.

    Oh pleeeeeease don't lets do what very other photo forum in the world is doing and have a Valentines theme again!!

    We did red last Feb too as part of the romance theme.

    How about something to illustrate a feeling or mood or concept?

    Casil mentioned songs ... what about someone picks a song and we have to create a photo as cover shot for the album?

    How about a compromise with colours? We could make
    - colour keys (here everyone can work with his favourite colour – red, green, blue … ;-))

    My other suggestions would be:
    - Kids view of the world
    - nature oddities (like the sand dragon)

    I'm kinda up for the song title one myself...we could go thru our Ipods/music collection and find interesting images to match.

    Ie... "Here's a Bridge Over Troubled Waters" by Simon and Garfunkel

    I am just thinking it might be more fun to do something a little more creative and fun other than red or valentines...besides this year I am boycotting the greeting card holiday!

    oh thank god! I'm not the only one who doesn't get into Valentines day!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bambi View Post
    oh thank god! I'm not the only one who doesn't get into Valentines day!
    I don't like the commercialization. Valentines Day was for your girlfriend ... to win her love ... not to extract money out of your pocket every year after that for the retail industry. I gave my wife a Valentine Days card, toy Teddy Bear (she still has it 27 years later) and a necklace a few months after I met her ... we were 17. Never given her a Valentines anything since. It would diminish that day.

    I didn't mind doing Valentines once but I think we can be more creative. I quite like the themes that give people room to use their imagination.

    just a theme idea, could be for another future monthly assignment:
    Au Naturel - a photo where the subject is natural, not man-made, and the image itself must be posted au naturel, as in no post-processing (with the exception of RAW shooters doing basic global colour/contrast/sharpening adjustments in pp like the ones you could do in camera if shooting jpegs) and NO CROPPING. And you would be encouraged to avoid stripping the metadata out prior to posting to show you got nothing to hide (not that we aren't all a trustworthy bunch).
    I think it would be a fun exercise and force us to really pay attention to composition and exposure etc at time of capture.

    I thought for a minute F8 was going to suggest nudism and the world isn't ready for that

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg_Nuspel View Post
    I thought for a minute F8 was going to suggest nudism and the world isn't ready for that
    Me too. I thought 'Here we go ... time to run down to the train station and take shots of people in their underpants! '

    LOL! Yeah nude self portrait HDR'd panoramas stitched together out of multiple macros! we want to see every hair, every wrinkle!

    Quote Originally Posted by F8&Bthere View Post
    LOL! Yeah nude self portrait HDR'd panoramas stitched together out of multiple macros! we want to see every hair, every wrinkle!
    I could shoot all the fat, hairy, foul-mouthed CPR Railway guys that are in the classroom accross the hall...then I would go downstairs and shoot all the skinny hairless autobody mechanics that are in the classrooms downstairs. No offense to any train conductor or body mechanics out there.

    Side note...they just opened the new classroom this year for Rehab therapy assistants. Was it a SAIT clever marketing plan to combine all the rehabilitation students (aka mostly young girls) who practice feeling each other's bodies while in various stages of undress 3 times a week in the same building as the train conductor and autobody school?

    Hmmmm...I have to wonder...found out today that these guys apparently like to leer into the classroom and word has gotten about all the action going on in our class.
    I think am going to insist the instructor start shutting the door.

    What about Emotion?

    Pictures that convey an emotion or capture a mood....could get those creative juices flowing...


    I do feel for you about guys leering at you. Now you ask how would a guy know how this feels. I once was helping take down an art show and the large paintings were suspended from the ceiling at angles to view from bellow. I had to climb the ladder to lower these down. The next event in the space was the annual gay ball, I kept hearing comment from the 'guys' about my ass. I don't think I have ever made an unwelcome comment to a lady since, that was 30 years ago and it still gives me the creeps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg_Nuspel View Post

    I do feel for you about guys leering at you. Now you ask how would a guy know how this feels. I once was helping take down an art show and the large paintings were suspended from the ceiling at angles to view from bellow. I had to climb the ladder to lower these down. The next event in the space was the annual gay ball, I kept hearing comment from the 'guys' about my ass. I don't think I have ever made an unwelcome comment to a lady since, that was 30 years ago and it still gives me the creeps.
    Thanks Greg...I don't think they are leering at me necessarily (I'm soon to be 45 and mostly everyone else there is well under 30...and quite but it's the young 20 something girls that creeps me out.
    It's not in the best area of town either....quite the industiral area by the Barlow c-train station. with no campus safewalk and early morning go to school in the dark starts. Now that I know this leering bit, I gotta wonder what the hell SAIT was thinking with this new classroom?

    Quote Originally Posted by casil403 View Post
    Thanks Greg...I don't think they are leering at me necessarily (I'm soon to be 45 and mostly everyone else there is well under 30...and quite but it's the young 20 something girls that creeps me out.
    It's not in the best area of town either....quite the industiral area by the Barlow c-train station. with no campus safewalk and early morning go to school in the dark starts. Now that I know this leering bit, I gotta wonder what the hell SAIT was thinking with this new classroom?
    I take it the autobody shop isn't part of the T&T building anymore?

    If it's like university or hospitals at all, it's all about the politics of space!!

    I sorry to get a bit here...back to ideas.

    I also thought about Depth of field as well...especially shallow...or bokeh.

    I like f8's idea too but I think that might work better (for me anyhow) further into the spring/summer season in the GWN (Great White North)when there is more out there to photograph that isn't snow...

    So far the consensus seems to lean toward red or song themes/covers

    There are loads of watery thing to photograph inside and out. (I apologise if this has been done in the past, I am new here...)

    Quote Originally Posted by F8&Bthere View Post
    just a theme idea, could be for another future monthly assignment:
    Au Naturel - a photo where the subject is natural, not man-made, and the image itself must be posted au naturel, as in no post-processing (with the exception of RAW shooters doing basic global colour/contrast/sharpening adjustments in pp like the ones you could do in camera if shooting jpegs) and NO CROPPING. And you would be encouraged to avoid stripping the metadata out prior to posting to show you got nothing to hide (not that we aren't all a trustworthy bunch).
    I think it would be a fun exercise and force us to really pay attention to composition and exposure etc at time of capture.
    Or the opposite. A Before/After image, where you show the original and the processed image.

    Quote Originally Posted by casil403 View Post
    I sorry to get a bit here...back to ideas.

    I also thought about Depth of field as well...especially shallow...or bokeh.

    I like f8's idea too but I think that might work better (for me anyhow) further into the spring/summer season in the GWN (Great White North)when there is more out there to photograph that isn't snow...

    So far the consensus seems to lean toward red or song themes/covers
    Ok. It's like Feb 1st! We have to make up our minds

    I've been watching this thread but not really coming up with any good ideas myself. I'll vote song themes which I guess makes at least 2 of us. Anyone else?

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    There are loads of watery thing to photograph inside and out. (I apologise if this has been done in the past, I am new here...)
    Not a bad idea, Richard, however, just about all the water in my area is frozen and, frankly, I'm getting tired of it :(

    MA was up for song themes/covers also I believe.

    Sounds like a goer...

    There's more chat than suggestions in this thread ....
    But it seems to me that song themes has just as much support as RED which a few people are strongly against......

    So song themes it is. Rather than choosing 1 song dictatorially, or waiting for everyone to agree. Let's keep it open and just say song themes/covers. members should NAME the song in the post though.

    This is going to be a FABULOUSLY creative challenge. I can feel it

    Merging suggestion posts now. Thanks everyone!
    Last edited by Marko; 02-01-2010 at 11:33 AM.


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