wonderful shot and very nice of you too! :D
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wonderful shot and very nice of you too! :D
okay so I know that this is not consistent with valentines but:
The Kinks-wicked Annabella
Don't go into the woods tonight
'cause underneath the sticks and stones
are lots of little demons enslaved by Annabella
waiting just to carry you home
love the kinks!!
I have no idea what a curmudgeon is (is that even a real word???) but I'm not old! :goodvibes
And hey ... Leanne agrees with me! Valentines Day was originally for a person to ask the one they wanted to be their boyfriend or girlfriend to commit to the relationship. It's a one off thing. I simply refuse to be conned by the commercialism of it year after year. That, and I don't need a special day to tell Leanne I love her or give her a gift, I can and do that at will ;)
Maxwell's Silver Hammer - The Beatles Got this in my head the other day and had to set it up considering this month's theme. My kitchen is FAR from a studio but I think it's an OK result.
Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer came down on her head...
Attachment 5657
Ouch, well done Iguanasan :eek:
LOl...good one Iggy...I just got a smack on the bum when I misbehaved! :evil2: