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January 2010 Photography Assignment - Macro or Close-up

This is a discussion on January 2010 Photography Assignment - Macro or Close-up within the Photo assignments forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Anybody got any? I'm blank but we have a new decade so something along those lines? Other brainstorming thoughts: Juxtaposition ...

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    Default January 2010 Photography Assignment - Macro or Close-up

    Anybody got any? I'm blank but we have a new decade so something along those lines?
    Other brainstorming thoughts:

    Opposites attract
    Primary colours
    Winter VS Summer (gets everyone involved on both sides of the equator and both are equally challenging)

    Anybody else?

    I've been noticing this day approaching. Frankly, I'm flummoxed. I've been trying to think of something but I'm empty. Not even a single suggestion :(

    lemme see...
    Up close and personal? (macro type or close up shots)

    How about photography cliches? Actually macro would be cool.

    I like up close and personal (macro) also....perspective might be fun or juxtaposition.

    given that we'll be stuck inside a lot (either due to heat or cold) macro might be fun because it can be done in or out!

    I'll go with that. Macro (or Close Up) since not everyone has a macro lens.

    How about playing with DOF. Two shots, (same shots) but with two different DOF to show how it can alter a photo and get different results.

    I'm into the macro or close-up idea fer sure.

    Ditto on the macro!

    I think we're "close" on reaching a consensus here.

    How about something a bit artsy??
    Like an image titled "Jealousy"...or....."Lusty".....or whatever, but you get the idea?


    Macro or close-up has the most support from members so that's our assignment this month. Merging suggestion posts now.

    Who will post first?
    Last edited by Marko; 01-01-2010 at 12:45 PM.
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