I did a LOT in light-room and a little in Photoshop. Photshop adjustment were to get the green color in the background. I'll have to check when I get home and let you know the plug in that I used in LR.
Your shot has the mystery element kat -
but Bambi, nice! that's some eerie stuff :highfive:
cool treatment on your shot scorpio!
Gosh Bambi...that 2nd shot just moves me! Very powerful!
I can't stop staring at it!
Scorpio the treatment in your shot just makes the whole scene! I tried going to the cemetary this morning but too cold!
gosh, thanks for the comments guys. I have others of the memorial. Hopefully I can go back and take more knowing what I know now.
Those shots from Bambi are hard to beat but maybe my sick wolf howl can sell this one....
tres cool! I like it very much :)
Nice shot F8 - fits the theme really well.
Gonna try to do mine this weekend!
lol this is the gentlest of dogs but enthused about sticks.....
Nice F8
Ha ha bambi..fits well
what was that movie..pet cemetary!
Bloody hand!!!!! :eek:
Not real blood tho'! :clown: