I asked for suggestions and this month's assignment will be 'The View from My Window'.
Ok then, Who will be the first to post?
Printable View
I asked for suggestions and this month's assignment will be 'The View from My Window'.
Ok then, Who will be the first to post?
Considering whats going on in the world right now how about "The view from my window".
aubintbay's idea of "The view from my window" could be fun
Another couple of ideas suitable for while we are stuck at home:
Photos from one room i.e. bathroom or kitchen etc
Macro can provide a lot of opportunities around home. Rather than general "macro" a specific macro theme perhaps along the line of "Macro Mondays" a list of their past themes here https://www.flickr.com/groups/macrom...7713701093088/ (this can also be a resource for non-macro themes too).
"The view from my window" - makes good sense (Yours are good for future months RM)
Thx aubintbay!
Merging suggestions and starting the thread right here.
Ok then, who will be the first to post?
They still make house calls.
Attachment 22070
Well done BF - Love it! Wonderful processing in BW, dig the comp!
Me, I got a cat from my smartphone.
Here's my take on this one. This is my first ever go at layering photos and done with new software to boot....gonna take some time.
Attachment 22072
Sorry for not being very active the last little while.
These are not exactly through my window but they are from my balcony. Hope that counts.
I am enjoying seeing the creativity and the views from lockdown around the world.
Loving your creativity there Barefoot, it works really well
Marko Nice scene looking in at the boss looking out. Nice reflection too
Nice Sunset MB - looks like the seasons are changing for you
Nice layering Aub. I bet those trees are beautiful and give a wonderful backdrop when covered in leaves
From the balcony is fine Asnow. Those curved buildings remind me of the failed photoshop photos when models shape is changed with the liquify tool.
I hope to do mine over the weekend
A couple from just outside my window. I hope that is OK. Selfie with timer.
The funny thing is, that other than handyman jobs prior to Covid, this is the first time I have worn the mask.
Guess who is picking up autumn leaves this weekend.
Attachment 22076
Attachment 22077
Cool, one RM - Love that the leaves are actually falling in shot 1
Thanks Marko.
The timer was set to take a shot every 5 secs. I had to throw the leaves in the air and then quickly assume a more relaxed demeanour while they were falling, and then hope that the shutter would open at the right time. I have several shots of me in various stages of picking up and throwing leaves.