Its been a while
Sorry I have been away for so long, I rarely touch my camera.
Maddy graduates high school next month and she wanted me to take a few. (we also paid a pro to take some)
This is one I took today, which do you like better?
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...45f43213_b.jpgmaddy4_9a by Chris Campbell, on Flickr
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...5497e0ee_b.jpgmaddy4_9b by Chris Campbell, on Flickr
It has been a while. Nice to see you have found your camera.
I actually find it hard to decide a winner here. I like the extra space in the first shot, I think it gives more context and mood to the shot. On the other hand I like the vertical positioning of the second shot, with Maddy's head closer to the top of the frame rather than central.
Overall I lean toward shot 1 I think.
How time slips by, I still tend to think of your girls at a young age when you were posting their photos as kids, rather than as the young woman finishing school.
Yup - i like the extra space as well - and agree w/RM so cool to see her ll grown up!!
Nice and moody. very good!