TSC-violinist by bambe1964, on Flickr
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I like it. The DoF is rarher nice as well. :)
An interesting comp for a shot like this - i quite like the creamy background.
Red object(s) at mid right edge is a distraction for me though - I'd likely crop it out if it were mine.
Nicely done ... I wonder if it would improve by cropping it into portrait orientation?
Amusic camp, or just someone who decided to play there that day? I like the effect.
I tried it but it made it too tight for my story. I also thought of cropping into the hands and violin.
she was in Central Park, playing classical music. She was quite good and I enjoyed sitting and listening to her. after I put money in her case I felt it was okay to take a photo. :)
Really nice shot Bambi.
I like the angle of the shot and the framing with trees works well.
I understand that the crop didnt work, and in fact I would be interesed to see even more space on the right. I do agree the bright object is a little distracing. Can it be cloned out?
Very nice, Bambi.
Lovely composition. I agree with the others in cloning out the white spot on the right edge.
thanks guys. I will clone out the white bit (I think it's an ice cream truck)