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Forum Growth - Thanks Marko

This is a discussion on Forum Growth - Thanks Marko within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; Maybe you might have touched on this subject already, but I thought I might comment on it anyways. I have ...

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    jjeling's Avatar
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    Default Forum Growth - Thanks Marko

    Maybe you might have touched on this subject already, but I thought I might comment on it anyways. I have not been as active as I used to but the time that I have spent on here recently I have noticed quite a few changes.

    I have been a part of this forum for roughly a year now? I don't know the exact date or anything but it has little relevance. When I first joined, there were no more than 12 or so 'active' members. It was great and felt very much like a 'small' town on the internet(if there is such a thing). It was extremely friendly and helpful. To be honest, it did feel, well, Canadian. As time passed, you could feel the forum growing slowly. Member by member, the forum was getting busier and busier, but the tone remained the same.

    As the summer here came about, I began getting busier with work and hockey, and all of my other past time activities. I would log in every now and then, try to keep up with the posts, but did not have much input with anything. Now that we are well into fall here, and winter is approaching fast, I have been able to spend more time on the computer, and consequently this means more time on the forum. has grown considerably, and there have been quite a few physical changes to the forum. New threads have been added, old threads have been deleted. The layout itself has changed but even some of the old games have remained. However, through it all, I noticed that the tone, still, has remained. To this day, I have not witnessed any arguments, or any spam. Everyone remains extremely helpful, and aware that growth within photography requires criticism. This is something we have all taken very well here and we continue to come back and ask for it.

    There are many forums where this cannot be said and is quite the opposite. I know many of these observations have been mentioned in the past, but I thought I would mention them again. All of the members here should give themselves a pat on the back for not losing their cool and recognizing that without you this would not be the family it is today.

    Marko, you are the creator of this website and we are all thankful for your selflessness and your relentless dedication to a forum that has helped a few and many more to come.

    My apologies for what may seem like a rant, but I just thought I would share a few observations. Good job, everyone has done a good job.

    Marko, thanks for giving us the opportunity.

    Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!

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    kat is offline Senior Member
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    Well said jj!

    Thank you marko for all your time invested in our family!

  3. #3
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Here, here! Well said, jj.

    A big hearty to Marko!
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    Michaelaw's Avatar
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    Without a doubt for some reason this site remains balanced seeming to attract people who are more purpose than ego. I have always found that refreshing because it means heavy handed rules can be kept to a minimum. My hope is that it forever remains this way. I've traveled many sites over time and have yet to find the GM of the site as good as Marko. The man is not common rather a gem! The ability of people to reason and remain on point in this site makes the whole place a complete joy to visit. This site has become bar none, my favorite place to post and communicate. All the stars I can count go to Marko.....Thanks Dude

  5. #5
    jjeling's Avatar
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    Cheers to Marko!

    Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!

  6. #6
    Marko's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for that JJ and everyone else.

    The tone of this forum is something I'm very proud of actually. You can be sure that it is not all my doing though. Having quite a few members that come daily and post honestly yet diplomatically REALLY helps keep the tone nice and civil. This just makes learning and hanging out so much more pleasurable.

    Thanks again everyone
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