So I thought this might be a fun thread, a place where we could share things, strange goings on, unexplained events and general weirdness I'll start.

W hen I was twelve or so I had a plastic battery operated toy Tank that I used to play with in my back yard. The yard was all grass save for a concrete path which went down the side of the house about forty feet connecting to the front yard. The backyard was fully surrounded by a six foot high hedge. The back porch of the house had a set of wooden steps leading down to the yard and was nine or ten feet above the yard. One day I had the tank driving itself across the grass but GI Joe was up on the porch sitting quietly in his orange flight suit. As Joe was an integral part of my imaginary game, I raced up the ten or so steps, grabbed him off the porch and flew back down to the yard. The tank was gone! No amount of hours or days of searching ever revealed where the tank had gone. In a perfectly square twenty by twenty foot yard walled in by a six foot hedge my tank had vanished!