Awesome, another fav of mine. Thanx for the memory jog!
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Awesome, another fav of mine. Thanx for the memory jog!
Best Rock album of the 2000s IMHO.
I really have to give that another go...I tried once, being a big Clash fan from way back, but it just hit a dead note with me. same with Mike Ness's solo stuff.
So to wrap up, I hit 2 more PF CDs tonight - and
Joe Strummer had a totally unique thing going with the Mescaleros. No wanking guitar centric yadda yadda (and I'm a guitar player). He was writing songs. To my ear the Mescaleros thing was completely original (but not without reference to the roots) and highly listenable.
Just a little sumpin sumpin I came across:
Remembering John:
I've been listening to a Montreal band called the Barr Brothers. FANTASTIC stuff. The Barr Brothers | News
Here's a track called The Barr Brothers - Give The Devil Back His Heart
but the entire album (they just have the one) is wonderful. Soulful, a bit folky (though not this track) ... I have been listening to it non stop for a few months.
The youtube videos do not do the sounds justice but give an idea of style.
Cool, Marko! Maybe they will be invited to Calgary folkfest one day. :)
Because Jack White is just full of awesome.