If I can jump in and play...
I'd say you are right on the mark with the circuit board. Aside from the 3 solder points in the top left, you can just make out the cross-hatch pattern under the green enamel. With the aluminum plate, I'd guess it's from a cell phone or other hand-held electronic device.
Whoops! Sorry about this. I must have missed Igs guess. It is part of a mother board. It is actually the case for the hard drive in a laptop. Igs or Zen, whomever posts the next image first wins I guess.
Go ahead, zenador, I've done a few of these already.
Ah come on, page 48...
Only two to go... :D
Ok, sorry for the delay. I didn't have any good photos for this. I took this one just for this thread...
Looks like dominoes but there are way too many dots. Hmm....
So is this thread dead? Or does no one know what it is? Want a hint? It can tell you things.
Ive been stumped for a minute on this one. Maybe some led lights? A message board or something...
Maybe my hint was a little too specific ;)
Yes, it's LED segments from a pixel board (wallboard/message board). I have 2 at home which I'm fixing for my game/entertainment room.
haha, I wasnt sure. The pattern suggested it, but the corners of the individual boards kind of messed me up.