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Weird Coincidence or....

This is a discussion on Weird Coincidence or.... within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; I don't necessarily want to don the conspiracy hat but you have to admit that this is weird: thousands and ...

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Bambi Weird Coincidence or.... 01-06-2011, 10:08 AM
Wicked Dark I think I heard about this... 01-06-2011, 10:37 AM
Iguanasan It is interesting... this is... 01-06-2011, 10:45 AM
Michaelaw When I got my new Iphone just... 01-06-2011, 11:11 AM
JAS_Photo Oh! I can see where this is... 01-06-2011, 12:11 PM
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    Bambi's Avatar
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    Default Weird Coincidence or....

    I don't necessarily want to don the conspiracy hat but you have to admit that this is weird: thousands and birds and fish dying close in time. I cannot imagine how weird it would be to suddenly see hundred of birds dropping from the sky.

    Dead Birds Fall From Sky In Sweden, Millions Of Dead Fish Found In Maryland, Brazil, New Zealand
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    Wicked Dark's Avatar
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    I think I heard about this happening in Alaska, too. Weird.
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    It is interesting... this is very similar to what happened in the movie The Core which was caused by an American military device that was used to cause earthquakes in unfriendly countries. What information do you have, Michael?
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    Michaelaw's Avatar
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    When I got my new Iphone just recently I tried out the compass feature and from where I sit at my desk, north was in a four o' clock position, today I look and it's at six o' clock. I'm wondering if that has any bearing on the birds grief? I'm no expert but that's a sizable shift!

    PS...Never mind, the Iphone is an idiot! North is back to where it belongs but is fluctuating five degrees either side while my analog compass shows a constant pull to four o' clock. Must be some local interference. However, when I noticed the supposed shift, I googled magnetic pole and two stories came up. First was a theory put out by the Chinese suggesting magnetic pole shift was related to the bird problems and the second, how Tampa airport has shut down a runway until Jan 13 due to a magnetic pole shift so who knows?...I say, get ready for the new pole shift tax
    Last edited by Michaelaw; 01-06-2011 at 11:48 AM.

  5. #5
    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    Oh! I can see where this is going to cause problems for Santa next year.

    That is awful about the birds and fish! Here is the message I get from trying to follow your link, Bambi- An error (500 Internal Server Error) has occured in response to this request.

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    Well now my analog compass is deviating so I'm at a loss. Maybe I'll just go back to bed and start again later. Anyone else showing fluctuations? The Iphone I can see being flaky after all, it's made by....Never mind! The analog compass I tend to trust...."Where's my hat!...My tinfoil hat...It's around here someplace!!!"

  7. #7
    Bambi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAS_Photo View Post
    Oh! I can see where this is going to cause problems for Santa next year.

    That is awful about the birds and fish! Here is the message I get from trying to follow your link, Bambi- An error (500 Internal Server Error) has occured in response to this request.
    hmm it works for me.
    try googling dead birds fall from sky. this is just a link to a story with the huffington post, but it's all over.

    And I think it's weird and kinda scary. Perhaps it is UFOs like Michael saw when shooting the olympic pillars........
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