What happened to my Christmas spirit?
I don’t have any sense of the Christmas spirit this year….None! I usually have my little two foot tree up by now but it sits it the closet in a box. Right now I just feel sick and tired of living in the world we have created and continue to create. Government asshats, bankers and fraud artists in general bring us to our knees on a daily basis. When the cold war ended in the 80’s I remember thinking how great it was going to be from then on but I soon realized the war hadn’t ended, the players had changed and as if that wasn’t enough we invented (and I mean invented) the war on terror. There was only ever one problem with the American dream…It was one sided and never included the rest of the planet! Imagine if the mentality had been “The global dream!” The American economy crashed in 2008 and is now on life support, propped up with thin sticks but the weight the sticks support grows daily. Trillions more sticks will be needed to be fashioned by the US taxpayer and in the end, because they consume more than they produce. With their manufacturing base outsourced along with many of their jobs it doesn’t take a slick mind to see the good old “American dream” was sold to the highest bidder. A friend of mine called tonight and told me our great leader here in Canada has just decided to privatize the Canada pension plan (though I admit I haven’t had the time or the inclination to research the truth” according to my friend, American insurance companies are lined up to look after the whole affair. The fraudulent gutter swine of humanity, the very same people who stole the wealth of a nation to a tune that many future generations will be paying for a long time to come, will now be looking after our prized CPP? I’m praying my buddy misunderstood what he heard or read. You guys know me by now, an average guy who sometimes gets a half assed image and the rest of the time I spend stirring the pot in the “Off topic” thread☺ Lately I’ve been digging around in the “Climate change” (formerly known as Global warming) arena. Preceding every Ice Age there is a period of global warming. The data I’ve been pouring over in the last few evenings has me wondering….The truth is in the ice core samples folks. I encourage you to do some research. The graphs plotted from the samples put us at the top of a well recorded graph and if the graph is correct…Button up! I mentioned this fact to a fellow at work a few days ago and he told me I was full of it. Had he done any research? No time…He was watching “The Game” Another interesting thing I read the other day was that all the riots in Europe were happening where fluoride as an additive in drinking water was banned. This led me to do a little digging on good old fluoride and apparently it was first used on prison inmates to keep them subdued. Who knows? I drink next to no tap water and I’m freaking Irate!
I digress however…I’m just not much in a Christmas mood just now and even as an Athiest, I’ve always managed to get along fine with the whole concept in the past.