There hasn't been a challenge for a while, so I thought I would kick off 2017 with a challenge to all members.

The challenge is to post one only photo of a door each week. For those of you that have been around the forum for a while, yes this is inspired by my Windows Project

To encourage us to get out and shoot, it would be ideal if the photo was taken the week it is posted, but if you are unable to take a photo of a door that week, don't get too fussed, just choose another you have taken for this project.

The photo may have the door as the main subject or may be incidental to the main subject matter. It may be the whole door, or a detail within the door. It may be post-processed a little or lot. Be as creative as you like. The only rule is that it must include a door of some description.

If you don't see this thread immediately, don't worry, feel free to join in at any time.

OK - Who will join me?