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Black Vertical Bar In Photo, Please Help.

This is a discussion on Black Vertical Bar In Photo, Please Help. within the Digital photography forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; ** UPDATE TO POST *** I may have just figured out what the dark bar/stripe is. Could it have been ...

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    PhotoBoyBC is offline Junior Member
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    Default Black Vertical Bar In Photo, Please Help.

    ** UPDATE TO POST ***

    I may have just figured out what the dark bar/stripe is. Could it have been the shadow of the foreground wooden post cast from the flash I used?? I am relatively a beginner with portrait photography. Please provide feedback so I can put my mind at ease that there is nothing actually wrong with my camera and that I can learn how to avoid this happening in future shots.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** ********

    I recently took a photo (attached) which resulted in having a dark vertical bar which spans down the length of the photo. I sent the photo and my concern to Nikon and this was their response:

    'If this is happening with more then one memory card then you may have an issue with the sensor of the unit. Please send the unit into service if this is a re-occurring issue.'

    As I can not get a straight answer from Nikon as to how long the camera may be in service, and I have a trip coming up soon, I don't want to risk being without the camera. It was only one photo that this happened to(that I have noticed out of the 1000+ I have taken so far), so it may just be a simpler cause?

    Notes to keep in mind:

    - I took the photo with a polarizing filter on. I know it is not ideal in shade, but could it have been the culprit? The vertical bar looks a bit too perfectly geometric to me to be caused by a filter.

    - I took the photo in RAW format and it is available if the photo setting details could help resolve what caused this. Let me know and I will post the camera settings.

    The bar/stripe runs down just left of center of the subject model.

    I appreciate all the help.

    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Last edited by PhotoBoyBC; 09-16-2014 at 12:09 AM.


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