The arcade in downtown Calgary...does it work?
I kinda like the perspective myself... :)
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The arcade in downtown Calgary...does it work?
I kinda like the perspective myself... :)
It's great! You must have been there early not to catch anyone in the shot.
Thanks Raiven...would you believe it was today (Monday) at 11:30am right when the office towers started emptying out?? I just waited until I got a free few seconds then busted off an auto bracketed round as fast as possible! :)
This is very very nice Casil. Looks like you are mastering this HDR stuff nicely indeed.
To critique I'll have be picky I guess.
On the left of the frame we can JUST see a bit of the outside world. This, I think at least, should either not be visible, or far more visible. One or the other. As it stands it looks like an error to me.
In the foreground is the square chequered pattern. In that is some chromatic abberation. You can see the red fringe around the tiles. There's a little bit on the column near where the outside world is visible also. Some PP to hide/correct those would have been a good idea.
There's also a slight perspective distortion visible in the foreground uprights as well which could have been straightened I guess. Although I don't mind it as is. Just being picky as you get so much better :)
Can you add some blue cast?? Joking!!;)
MA nailed it. Awesome photo Lisa.
Yes, it works. Well done.
I like this shot and MA covered so good points. My biggest issue is that nothing is really that sharp except for the reflection of the checkerboard pattern in the front left column. For me I would have preferred the checkerboard pattern on the floor in the foreground to be the sharpest element or the crest on the back wall.
Hope that helps
Beautiful ! Love it !
Thanks so much everyone for the comments! Might I ask tho and forgive me if I seem daft ...what is/are chromatic abberations? It mentions a setting to reduce it in Photomatrix, but I don't know what they are....
Chromatic Abberations are the coloured fringes you see around a very bright edge in your photo when it's next to something dark. Or ... vice versa. Think of a dark night and lightning. All you see is black ...and lightning ... and the lightning often has a fringe of blue or red/pink. That fringing is Chromatic Aberation (CA) and is caused by a splitting of the ligthwaves as it passes through your lens. Better quality lenses tend to have less CA than cheaper ones.
Look at your photo above now ... see the bottom 'white' chequered square on the right? It has a very obvious red line along it's bottom side. That's CA.
looks like a scene from medieval period !
it is a nice piece of work. was this treated in hdr? i think the chromatic aberration was magnified by saturation that even the reflection of the gray marble became brillant reds.