Please critique....
Attachment 16236
Version 2
Attachment 16237
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Please critique....
Attachment 16236
Version 2
Attachment 16237
Hi Iggy! A very pretty shot and I like the depth of field you used. The main problem here is that all that foliage is casting a very green light on Heather's face. You should be able to correct for that though. Also, and I know it's easy to give advice after the fact, but I would have liked to have seen a little more light on her face. A catch light in the eyes, especially is effective. A bit of fill flash probably would have been the easiest way to get that light in there. Hope that makes sense.
This is a lovely portrait Iggy.
I suck at critique, but just a couple of personal observations for what they are worth
Lovely detail in the eyes.
There appears to be a green cast as evidenced on the lighter side of the face.
To my eye I would like to see her face and eyes just a tad brighter.
(Please be aware that I am looking at this at work and it may be my monitor)
I also find the highlight on that one bit of fringe a little distracting.
Really nice shot though. I am guessing this is your daughter?
Thanks for the suggestions. I never notice things like the slight green cast until it's pointed out to me... once I see it though it's easy :)
And yes, this is my daughter during our yearly trip to the Annapolis Valley to go apple picking. I always take my camera and get a few shots of the kids while we're there.
I like this portrait overall. If it were mine I might lighten the entire face by 20% or so and remove the cast on the face.
The position of the head is a hint high for me - 1 inch lower would draw even more attention to the eyes for me.
I've said this before, your daughter has a seriously sweet face with killer eyes and lips.
Thanks, Marko.... and I did mention that I know karate right?! :P
yeah after i wrote that I thought it may have come off the wrong way - lol.
I'm happily married, your daughter is too young, and you can whip my butt, so your daughter is more than safe from me - It's the other rotten boys I'd worry about.