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"Ghost Ship" - My attempt at minimalism

This is a discussion on "Ghost Ship" - My attempt at minimalism within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Here it is. I've also been reading some threads on this forum on this topic, but I'm not too familiar ...

  1. #1
    kevin99989 is offline Senior Member
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    Default "Ghost Ship" - My attempt at minimalism

    Here it is. I've also been reading some threads on this forum on this topic, but I'm not too familiar with it, but am interested in the effect.
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  2. #2
    Iguanasan's Avatar
    Iguanasan is offline Moderator
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    Interesting shot, Kevin, which I really like, nicely done. To me, it still has too much content to truly be considered minimalism. There's two ships and a bunch of seagulls. If you had captured just the foggy outline of the sailing ship alone then it would be minimalism to me. All that aside, I like this shot.

    From an overall critique point of view I think it would be a bit stronger if you cropped 10%-15% of the top putting the ships higher up in the frame and a touch more contrast might bring out a little more detail in the fog.

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  3. #3
    AcadieLibre's Avatar
    AcadieLibre is offline Senior Member
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    I am no going to say what I want because then I would end up with a small novel on what minimalism in art is so it would not be minimalist either lol. It looks like a photo of a ferry (or whatever type of boat it is) where you did not have a long enough lens to get a good shot of the boat. The ghost ship in the back is a distraction. I think it is great you tried but this image as a minimalist image just does not work. Now if the blue boat was not there and you only had the ghost ship against the sea and sky of grey it might work as a minimalist photo.
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