Hey guys,

In every magazine you keep seeing reviews and tones of debates about Nikon and Canon. What about other brands?
Anyway, I want to start saving some money for a new camera, because on this one, I can't update the firmware and I don't know if the new lenses will work properly on it.
Now, my question is what camera?
I was thinking "big" and aiming for Olympus E3, for a lot of reasons. I searched the internet for reviews, the reviews are very good, and amazing about Zuiko lenses. The advantage for me is that Zuiko lenses are a bit cheaper than Nikkor or Canon, and the quality, as the professional photographer were saying ,is the same, amazing quality.
Now I have the E30 option, that is cheaper than E3, but should I go with Olympus, or switch to other brand?
I like Olympus, but my worries are about the noise on hight ISO, because of their smaller sensor.
Did anyone worked with an E3?
I mean how bad is the noise on high ISO? If I wanna take pictures of the sky in the night, or to a sunrise it's gonna look fine or... ?

Thank you !

