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Pros and cons of each camera system?

This is a discussion on Pros and cons of each camera system? within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Or in other words, Pentax vs Nikon vs Canon vs Sony vs Micro Four Thirds vs Samsung? Hi, I'm shopping ...

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    masp is offline Senior Member
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    Question Pros and cons of each camera system?

    Or in other words, Pentax vs Nikon vs Canon vs Sony vs Micro Four Thirds vs Samsung?

    Hi, I'm shopping for my first DSLR and I'm trying to get a feel of the major camera systems available right now. Which one gives the most bang for the buck for someone interested in nature photography (landscapes and bird shots to start with)? Mainly I'm looking for a system where I can get a sharp telephoto (preferably zoom) lens is not too heavy and perhaps some other inexpensive sharp lenses like a 50mm prime.

    There seems to be some consensus that Pentax gives more bang for the buck on their lenses than Canon or Nikon. Canon and Nikon seem about the same with perhaps minor differences in their lens lines, but I'm not exactly sure. Sony seems to be like Pentax as they offer in-camera IS, though perhaps Pentax has a broader selection of lenses to choose from than Sony... Pentax's financial troubles are also worrying, but maybe the worst of that is over since they no longer seem to be losing money. And also Samsung is entering the market soon with the NX camera...

    Also, I'd prefer a lightweight camera and set of lenses if possible, so the Micro Four Thirds system is interesting... The Panasonic GF-1 with a 20mm lens weighs in at just less than a pound. But the entry level DSLRs are only about 18 ounces, not much more, so with a 50mm lens, the camera weighs perhaps 23-24 ounces, only a half pound more than a GF-1, so perhaps there isn't too much difference in this regard if you are able to find lightweight lenses that are still reasonably sharp.

    Maybe all the systems are about the same and you just wind up liking which ever one you pick because you know it the best?

  2. #2
    Greg_Nuspel's Avatar
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    A lot of it is also what camera fits your hands best, for some the smaller cameras are too small for their big hands. Do your fingers naturally fit over the buttons? Can you access the important functions without having to page through menus? I think it is more about function and form, being comfortable with the camera. Most cameras perform quite adequate unless you have a special need.

    The camera doesn't do the most important part of photography and that is see the possibility of an image. You have to develop that skill, the more comfortable you are with your camera the easier that is to achieve.

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    Marko's Avatar
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    A lot of it is also what camera fits your hands best, for some the smaller cameras are too small for their big hands. Do your fingers naturally fit over the buttons? Can you access the important functions without having to page through menus? I think it is more about function and form, being comfortable with the camera. Most cameras perform quite adequate unless you have a special need.

    The camera doesn't do the most important part of photography and that is see the possibility of an image. You have to develop that skill, the more comfortable you are with your camera the easier that is to achieve.

    Sorry no brand persuasion here.
    Greg is BANG ON here.....
    and when you decide on the camera.....I of course did NOT do this (mistake on my part)...shoot with it for a few days and REALLY see how it feels. Shoot with it it stays in PERFECT shape in case you want to return it.

    I JUST bought a D700, it costs a couple of grand. I love the camera, but in all honesty, it does not feel great in my hands. In fact I now have a good deal of pain under the 'pad' below my pinky finger. I'm hoping it will go away...but it's been 2-3 weeks already... (I'll likely purchase the battery pak which changes how the camera is held..and hopefully this will be a solve).

    My point a camera feels in your hand is crucial...and you'll NEVER learn that on the Internet...ya got to play with the short list of camera that you are considering.
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    First thing I always say is go in and see how they feel in your hand, where the buttons sit? are they easy to access? Try it with various lenses on it so you know how it feels with a 50mm prime and 70 - 200 mm lens. See how it balances when you are trying to shoot and if you can handle the weight. Play with them and don't rush out and just buy one, test them, give it some thought, test again, test more. Then after a few weeks decide. It is a lot of money so make your choice wisely, then second look at the glass line, see what the maker offers and then what the secondary lens market has to offer, Sigma, Tamron, etc. Once you choose a system it is very expensive to go to another after. Try and make the right choice first. I would even consider renting the camera and try if for a weekend.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcadieLibre View Post
    Try and make the right choice first. I would even consider renting the camera and try if for a weekend.
    That was exactly what I was going to type. I know here at our local camera store (oddly enough called The Camera Store) they let you rent all kinds of different cameras and you can use a portion of the rental fee and apply it to our final purchase.
    I might ask if it were possible to do the same at the place you decide to rent/purchase from...never know...a deal/discount is a deal/discount.

    I might also add to perhaps go to a better camera store where the sales people know a thing or two about cameras and not some massive box store where the kid knows little and could care less...they just want to sell you a camera and or collect the commision.
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    Renting for the weekend is a great idea. When I tried the D700 in the store it felt great...But you really need to shoot with it for a few hours/days to see if your body agrees with with the initial feel.

    and that's so true casil about the big box stores and cameras. The salespeople know very very little about the cameras. If I wanted the information written on the side of the box, I'll read it myself.... that plus I find in general the WORST camera deals are at the big box stores.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    I love the camera, but in all honesty, it does not feel great in my hands. In fact I now have a good deal of pain under the 'pad' below my pinky finger. I'm hoping it will go away...but it's been 2-3 weeks already... (I'll likely purchase the battery pak which changes how the camera is held..and hopefully this will be a solve).
    Are you using a big lens? I get pinky pain when shoot for a while with my Canon 720 f2.8 lens which is quite heavy and tends to twist the hand forward. Maybe a grip strap will help??

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    Lovin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masp View Post
    Or in other words, Pentax vs Nikon vs Canon vs Sony vs Olympus / Four Thirds - Micro Four Thirds vs Samsung?
    One little typo there
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    masp is offline Senior Member
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    Heh yeah, I guess I should have included Panasonic too, but I got lazy.

    Anyway, I checked with Adorama and they will let you apply 50% of your rental fee to the item price, but only for the exact same camera model. Not the best terms, but I guess it's not too bad. What are the rent-to-buy conditions at your local camera store?


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