Holy Crap what an amazing store. About 1/2 a block and two stories of all the equipment anyone would ever want! I could not believe my eyes. I felt like Alice in Wonderland.

did you know that they give out pretzels and pop to make sure that you don't faint while you wonder around in a daze. And you can't swing a cat without hitting a person who is unbelievably happy to help you. they have counters with all the major brands of cameras: Pentax, Nikon, Sony, Canon, Olympus. I got to hold and play with them all. Behind each of these counters are 2-4 young men who can answer any question you may have about them. One such young man told me that the Canan and the Sony have the image stabilizers in the body of the camera while the Nikon and Olympus have them in the lense. Which he said would mean that I would end up paying more for lenses. So now I'm back to thinking again...... In terms of feeling comfortable the Sony and the Olympus felt great. the canon felt big and the nikon was fine. *sigh*

I didn't understand the hours of operation until I saw that 90% of the employees were wearing skull caps. So the hours are set to not interfere with the sabbath.

You give your order and then go pay and then pick it up. No waiting in line they have so many people manning the counters. Separate lines for cash or credit. Whole separate entrance for returns.

I now understand why TI said :
Originally Posted by Bambi View Post
that's just 4 blocks from my hotel!!!! I will journey on over there.
... and she was never heard from again.
I wouldn't have left except that they were closing.

If you ever have a chance, I would totally recommend going. For someone like me who's used to seeing either small stores or camera counters, it was wonderful!