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calling all enablers: need camera suggestions

This is a discussion on calling all enablers: need camera suggestions within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; So I've decided that I need to start saving for a SLR camera. I like my current camera but I ...

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    Bambi's Avatar
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    Default calling all enablers: need camera suggestions

    So I've decided that I need to start saving for a SLR camera. I like my current camera but I can't add any lenses or external flashes and thought that I just might be ready to take the next step. I would like to figure out what I want and then start the saving plan . but it's a big scary world of SLR out there. I am not going to be a professional but want to be able to take good pictures. HOw do I figure out what I need and how much to spend. I am thinking of staying within the $1,000 range.

    so......what do the wise and experienced photographers of this board suggest?
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    You are going to get a ton of recommendations so I might as well start and you can make up your own mind after you get deluged with them all

    Most photography courses that you might sign up for and most tutorials that I've seen, books that I've browsed, all reference either Nikon or Canon so I recommend you go with one of those. I chose Canon. You can get the prosumer Canon T1i for $1099 at Futureshop, Future Shop: Cameras & Camcorders: Digital SLR Packages: Canon Rebel T1i 15.1MP DSLR With 18-55mm IS Lens & EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 II USM Lens Kit Package which comes with 18-55mm and the 75-300mm USM. It's 15.1MP and I think a sweet deal.

    You can get less expensive gear if you go with something like the Pentax K-x, What's New Hardware: Pentax Kx., which is a full DSLR but a little less expensive since it's not Canon or Nikon

    Good luck and happy shopping!
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    hodaka is offline Senior Member
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    I went through the same thing last year. I had my trusty Pentax ME Super and a bunch of lenses, but it was time to go digital. I could buy a Pentax and re-use my existing lenses (all manual, though), or go Nikon or Canon and re-do it all. I chose Nikon for the following reasons:
    1) great quality
    2) huge support base
    3) tonnes of nice lenses and stuff available
    4) I could buy one locally from an actual photography store, and did not have to go to Future-ripoff or any similar box shop.
    I actually never even really considered a Canon, simply because Walmart sells them, which means I will not be able to get professional support and accessories here. (once Walmart starts selling stuff, no-one else can get it).
    If you are looking to spend around $1000, it gets a little tricky. I chose to go with the D60/18-55 and have some $$ left over, but now I am starting to miss a few features available in the D90 and higher (no, video is not one of them, and not really concerned about the higher MP ratings, either.)

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    casil403's Avatar
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    You also might want to check out some good review sites:
    Camera Reviews | Steve's Digicams
    Digital Camera Reviews and News: Digital Photography Review: Forums, Glossary, FAQ
    Personally I love my Pentax 200D...Am going to upgrade next year to K7 as a grad present to myself!
    Last edited by casil403; 11-12-2009 at 11:54 PM.
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    Fortytwo's Avatar
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    First of all: there are no bad DSLR's on the market. Whatever you pick is going to be a really decent camera. Brand doesn't matter. Really, I'll give a six-pack of premium beer to anyone who can tell by looking at a picture which brand of camera took it. There is no diffence in image quality. The lens you pick with it is so much more important to the image quality...

    Given your budget I'd go and try one of these:
    Canon 1000D (don't know what's it called over there, the small one).
    Nikon D3000
    Sony A330 / A230
    Pentax K-x / K-m

    Just try and feel them all. See which one feels right for you. It's all just a matter of personal taste, there is no wrong choise here. Which body has the best grip for you, which menu makes you feel at home. There are small technical difference (like, Sony has the best live view to my opinion), but in the end nobody can tell what you've bought by looking at prints. So make sure you like the camera, and everything will be fine.

    But remember, every euro/dollar you spend on the body can't be spend on a lens. And the lens makes the image, it's much more important than the body. You could buy a kit with an 18-50mm lens. That's a piece of ****, to be honest. It's all plastic and the image quality is just bad. You're much better of buying a body only and picking a decent standard lens. And don't be fooled by badges. The lens doesn't need to be from the same brand as the body. Third party lensen can be really great for a fraction of the price you'd pay for a Canon/Nikon/Sony/Pentax. High quality standard lenses for nice prices are:
    Tamron 17-50mm f2.8
    Tokina 16-50mm f2.8
    Combine one of these with any of the bodies mentioned above and you're en route to really nice pictures!
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    tirediron is offline Senior Member
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    Some great advice, especially from 42. One thing no one has mentioned yet is used gear. I'm a huge fan of used gear. Not always so much bodies, though if you can find one lightly used by someone who is upgrading, grab it, but lenses, most definitely! I wouldn't be shooting with a bag full of gold-ring 2.8 zooms and fast primes if I had to buy it all at Nikon's regular retail prices!

  7. #7
    Andrew Boyd is offline Junior Member
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    Canon or Nikon. Although there are lots of other good cameras out there, these are the two 800-lb gorillas out there with the professional systems to support whatever you end up wanting to do, photographically.
    I have a post that looks into this initial purchase, you might want to check it out.
    Good luck!
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    Last edited by Marko; 01-28-2010 at 02:32 PM.

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    F8&Bthere's Avatar
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    Just FYI, looks like Futureshop has a 2 day online boxing sale with the Nikon D5000 with kit lens at $699

  9. #9
    TimeLapseTulsa is offline Junior Member
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    I've been looking for my first DSLR too, and the DPreview review of the Pentax K-x is absolutely glowing. Not just video, but also in-camera HDR processing (although probably a pretty basic version). And the statement that it's the best low-light performance this side of full frame. And on top of that, US$550 with the kit lens at Amazon. $520 if you sign up for an Amazon Visa card. :-)

    On paper this appears to be the best deal, by a good margin. But, it's not a Canon or Nikon, and I just wonder if it makes more sense to stick with the big two.

  10. #10
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Somewhere further back in the thread there were some very good arguments for going for the Pentax brand I think.

    Frankly, I think that in the pro-sumer market that we are talking about here, its hard to buy something that won't perform really well if you know what you are doing.

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