One other consideration...
If you use polarizers (or any other screw on) they are a pain
If you use Grad ND they are a non-starter
I find fixing flare pretty easy since I always carry a wide brim hat and can use that if I need to.
The one area where I do wish I had one when I dont is when there is lite mist, rain, or snow, a good hood will keep the front element dry and allow a lot more shooting vs. wiping.
So my rule is, keep it in my larger utility pack, and if conditions warrant attach, else leave it in the utility pack. This assumes you arent hiking any distance, else I just add it on (if I think I will need) and deal with the irritation)
I often thought a collapsable telscopic hood would be awesome to avoid or at least mitigate the pitfalls (push it in when not needed, pull out when nessecar) but the mfg's dont seem to be interested in
useability on these things.