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Lens Decision

This is a discussion on Lens Decision within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Hey Guys and Gals. I'm looking at picking up a Telephoto lens this week. I have more planned uses today ...

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    zenador is offline Member
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    Default Lens Decision

    Hey Guys and Gals.

    I'm looking at picking up a Telephoto lens this week. I have more planned uses today and in the future for it than a prime lens. The prime 50mm is on the list too, but later...

    For the Telephoto, I was initially only looking at Canon lenses for my XTi. I have tried both the 55-250mm and the 70-300 from Canon, and I like the 250 better (with IS.) I can hand-hold the 250 and get sharp images, the 300 I had difficulty with, and believe a tripod is the best setup for me with the larger one.

    That said, I can't bring or setup a tripod in the middle of the grand-stand at a Nascar race. So I figured I was sold on the 250mm. Last night I was at the store buying a C-POL filter, and the sales guy mentioned the Sigma 70-300. (Yes the link is for Nikon, There is a Canon one as well...) It's the same price as the 55-250 IS, but has a macro feature.

    So, I can trade the IS for Macro, and get a longer focal length. I kind of want both, the IS and the Macro, and the longer f-l. I have not personally tried the Sigma lens (yet) so I'm looking for opinions. The warranty difference is interesting to me, 1 year on the Canon, 10 years on the Sigma. Should that be taken as a reference to quality?

    Thanks in advance...


  2. #2
    jjeling's Avatar
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    Not sure exactly which lens you are choosing. Here are a couple reviews of the 70-300 Sigma lenses for Pentax. These Sigma lenses are all the same, except they are built with different mounts. It is the only difference so the reviews will be consistent with those built for Nikon, Canon, etc.

    I bought a Tamron 70-300. It also had a macro function on it. It was the way to use the lens. It was complete garbage and I would not recommend it to anyone. It does not reflect on the Sigma as I have no tried that one.

    If it were me, I would spend as much money as I could on a lens, preferably the prime. I like primes. Macro is nice, but its better to have a nice prime over a sub-par macro. Not only that, it isnt even a true macro lens. You will get 1/1.5 at best, and it will not be sharp. Macro is typically 1/1 and will be pin sharp.

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  3. #3
    zenador is offline Member
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    Thanks JJ... The middle link (70-300 APO DG Macro) is the one I was looking at last night. The reviews on that site are useful, but my feeling after reading is so-so on the Sigma. I guess I'll have to take my camera to the store next time, try all my option, and review the results at home. For it's intended purposes, I think I'm still leaning towards the Canon with IS. I'm a race fan, and there are shots at race tracks that only happen once. One crash or close call on pit lane will never be the same as the next. For that reason, I don't want motion blur from shaky hands ruining the shot.

    As for prime lenses, I will buy them, starting with the 50mm f1.4. I just have a more immediate need for the telephoto. There are wildlife shots I can't take with my current lens or with a prime, without freaking the subject and having it bolt. Money is not really an issue on the lens (although I'm not spending $2000 on a lens with L glass...)

    And Macro, that's not a "need," it a fun thing. If I could get a "twofer" and not loose image quality, then great, but that's not what I'm getting out of the reviews.


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    Not sure how much primes are for Canon, but for Pentax we can get an f4 300mm prime for around 1k. Maybe that might be a route to go?

    Kind of curious about the price on prime lenses for Canon.
    We do not have to worry about IS since is it done in body for us.

    Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!

  5. #5
    zenador is offline Member
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    Vistek is one of the photography stores I go to. The Canon Prime 300mm with IS is $1500 CAD. Even after the exchange rate, there is still a disparity between Canadian and US prices... On EVERYTHING....

    Henry's is the other store I go to. Prices are better, but selection is smaller.


  6. #6
    F8&Bthere's Avatar
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    The Sigma 70 -300 has some good reviews...

    Maybe you weren't planning to use the C-pol on this lens but I noted in one review that it rotates while focusing. This makes it kind of a drag for using with a circular polarizer.

    I'm not sure if that is also the case with the Canons.

    Anyhoo, regarding shooting in the grandstands, did you consider a monopod? Vistek has a decent Induro for about $75. You can attach your camera directly to it for now, but if you feel the need you can always add a ball head later to get more control of angles. EDIT- With more thought, the monopod idea may pose come challenges if it's an event with people always jumping to their feet and sitting back down again in front of's not exactly easy to adjust the height of these quickly enough for that kind of shooting- unless you get a great seat or place to set up.

    I wouldn't put too much stock in the Sigma 10 year warranty being a reflection on quality over Canon. I'd like to see what the price comparison is between the 3 lenses you are considering. But is a highly respected lens review site and they rate both those Canons quite highly. In fact both of them got a perfect 5/5 score for price/performance value.

    Sigma lenses can be great- they have a few gems in their line-up. But they seem to also have a higher rate of bad copies and quality control issues. I'm thinking that they actually overprice their lenses somewhat, for what you get, and therefore essentially "build in" some cost of that 10 year warranty. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to have that long a warranty. And as a new owner of a Sigma lens myself, I do like having it. In my case I really didn't have much of a choice other than Sigma. Long story.

    And I could be wrong but I think that is only on Sigma lenses bought in Canada from authorized dealers. I think the USA warranty is less.

    And I totally know what you mean about the price discrepancies between USA and Canada. I've said it before... there was a brief time when the US/CA currencies were at par that I noticed lens prices here compared to USA kinda balanced out a bit. Especially with shipping, customs charges factored in, as well as any warranty/freight damage risks.

    FWIW, I would go with one of the two Canons...and it may come down to price, weight/handling issues (how they feel on your camera), and whether you think you need the additional 50mm of reach more than the 15mm you would give up on the wider end (what i mean by that is if you want more of an all in one walk around indoor/outdoor lens- the 55-250 might be the better choice for a few reasons, wider and smaller/lighter). The sigma, for me, would have to be at least $100 lower priced than the Canons to make me even consider it.

    Good luck with your decision.
    Last edited by F8&Bthere; 04-23-2009 at 09:09 PM.

  7. #7
    zenador is offline Member
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    Thanks guys... I've decided on the Canon 55-250mm. I'm heading out at lunch to pick it up. I'm planning on getting the 50mm prime in May. Then add some other toys...

    I thought about a monopod too, but I'm going to stick with hand-held shots. Another concern is getting it through security at the race tracks. The last 2 Nascar races I've been to (Pocono 500 and the Daytona 500) security was just short of a rubber glove. Anything that could be used as a weapon was prohibited.

    Canon focusing is rotational too. I was out yesterday at the airport using the C-POL filter, and I found that a light touch on the filter ring held it in place when the AF took control.




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