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Prime lens for crop sensor: 35 f/1.8 or 50 f/1.8

This is a discussion on Prime lens for crop sensor: 35 f/1.8 or 50 f/1.8 within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Hi, Looking at buying a prime lens this week for my Nikon 5100 (dx body). I am back and forth ...

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    popem77 is offline Member
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    Default Prime lens for crop sensor: 35 f/1.8 or 50 f/1.8


    Looking at buying a prime lens this week for my Nikon 5100 (dx body). I am back and forth between a Nikkor 35 or 50 both f/1.8

    I am aware on a crop sensor the 35 is equivalent to 50mm and the 50 is equivalent to about 70mm. I am also aware it is probably personal preference based on shooting styles and type. but looking for feedback nonetheless.

    I enjoy street photography, landscape and taking pics of my family. the 35 I think would be great for street and getting my kids into the same frame. Also have a new baby on the way and I think the 50mm would be great for shots of the newborn. I hear the bokah with the 50 is real nice but not fantastic with the 35.

    also into video with my nikon and would like the prime lens to compliment that well.

    thoughts? experience?


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    Marko's Avatar
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    I've had the same f/1.8 50mm from Nikon for decades. It's small, sharp and cheap. Highly recommended.
    Bokeh should be fab on both lenses u suggested.
    Bokeh tends to appear more pronounced on longer lenses as a general rule. But it's a function of perspective not reality.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    It's a little hard to say for sure as I've only ever shot the 50mm f1.8 on my Canon. That being said, I think I would absolutely love to have a 35mm f1.8. The 50mm is a phenomenal lens but I believe the 35mm would get you in closer and be a better lens for you. I find with the 50mm I sometimes don't have as much room as I would like to have and I "think" the 35mm would let me get in closer.

    All that being said, I think you'll be happy with either. If you are really concerned, see if someone nearby has a 50mm or a 35mm that you can borrow for a few days. They're relatively inexpensive but it might be worth trying before you buy.
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    popem77 is offline Member
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    Thanks for your input Marko and Iguanasan


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