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Blurred AF points - Brand new 600D/T3i

This is a discussion on Blurred AF points - Brand new 600D/T3i within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; I recently bought an EOS 600d. My first DSLR. Body only. The first one I received, the bottom 3 of ...

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    adamhome is offline Junior Member
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    Default Blurred AF points - Brand new 600D/T3i

    I recently bought an EOS 600d. My first DSLR. Body only. The first one I received, the bottom 3 of the 9 AF points were blurred, where as the other 6 where pin sharp. I spoke to Canon and they told me to send it back as this was not correct. The second one I received had 4 blurred AF points, so I sent it back. This morning I received the third one, and the bottom 3 are blurred like the first one. Canon customer support is closed for the weekend, but I am at a loss for what to do now. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I being too picky? I know it doesn't affect the quality of the image, the end result is perfect, and if it's not, it's due to my own incompetence, but surely all of the AF points should be consistently sharp. It's especially noticeable when shooting indoors in low light. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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    AcadieLibre's Avatar
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    I hate to say this but send it back and explain to Canon that this is unacceptable and before the send out another body they should test it and verify that the issue you keep having is not on the next camera they sent. I have been a happy Canon user but you need to be assertive and get them to resolve the problem once and for all that this is not acceptable and you are not happy. Ask to talk to someone in management and demand that this issue is resolved. In the mean time shoot away until you talk to them. I would make a huge stink over it, write to them, email them and phone them. Say that you are not happy, that you may just decide to go with Nikon if they cannot seem to fix there quality control issues. I would ask if they are in the habit of making lemons and is there quality control so lax that buying lenses or anything else from them will seriously make you question any further investment in Canon products. Do no accept a first line worker insist on talking to higher up no matter what and make sure you document who you talk to. See if they will expedite the shipping since you keep having to live without a camera you bought in good faith. I would be furious.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    A.L. has some great advice. I haven't had any problems with my XSi and the focus points all look sharp here. Not sure why you are having so many difficulties with that model. I wonder if it's a result of the floods they experienced in Thailand last summer/fall.
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    adamhome is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for the advice. I will certainly call them on Monday morning when they are open and try and get a decent resolution to this problem. I wasn't expecting this to be my first experience with Canon. I know plenty of people with 550 and 600D's that don't have this issue.


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