Hi again everyone..another question to pose to you.

Still a relative noob when it comes to studio lighting. I am currently looking and pricing out a single light setup that's portable...and I think I've basically narrowed it down to an AlienBees Product, but my question is what strength of flash should I be looking for..they have 400 effective Ws as well as 800 and 1600. what I'm looking to do is portraits and family shots in the home as well as maybe branching out into some "boudoir" style shots and maybe even some nudes/semi nudes. Obvioiusly the 400 is cheaper but I don't want to be stuck without enough light in a low light situation. Which size should I be looking for. I'd be using the single light with reflectors as a fill.

You all have big brains and know a lot more than I do so any help would be great
