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Canon 7D or...

This is a discussion on Canon 7D or... within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Hi Guys, I have been using an EOS 350D since 2005. I have Tamron SP AF28-75/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical ...

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  1. #1
    Bol Ray is offline Member
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    Question Canon 7D or...

    Hi Guys,
    I have been using an EOS 350D since 2005. I have
    • Tamron SP AF28-75/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF)
    • Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II

    I want to upgrade the body to get tack sharp images. what do you guys recommend.
    • buy a canon 7D
    • Abandon Canon for Nikon or Sony (I have heard sony sensors are one of the best in the market)

    Ref. Sensor Ranking DxOMark - Sensor rankings
    I am only looking to get the best images and I don't mind spending time clicking in RAW and spending time processing images

  2. #2
    Bambi's Avatar
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    If I had canon lenses and was happy with my previous Canon I would probably stick with it. At a certain price point I am not sure that there is much difference (but I could be wrong).
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  3. #3
    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    I think it is the photographer's technique and the lenses that make for sharp images. I think the advantages of a higher end camera are more along the line of how the camera operates . On the bigger, high end cameras, everything you need to adjust are a fingertip away for example. You can adjust settings on the fly instead of going to the interior menus. They also generally have larger sensors which is important if you are enlarging the photos significantly. Also ISO performance is generally better on the higher end cameras -which is a big deal.

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    Bol Ray is offline Member
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    Thanks for your replys JAS_Photo and Bambi. I do identify that part of my problem in my technique and lenses.
    Lately though, I have been frustrated with the noise I get when I am using ISO 400 on my camera. The colours are just too drab and the shadows are just WEAK for lack for a better term.
    I am sure that in 5 years the sensors have improved enough to give me a better result. or maybe I just need a better lens and tripod/monopod.

    still confused
    appreciate any help
    Thanks again you two.

  5. #5
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Maybe you should show some examples of your issues? We might be able to help. There does come a point when the camera holds you back and if you've been shooting for 5 years maybe you've reached it. I shoot with the Canon 350D (Rebel XSi) and my biggest complaint is also the ISO and lens sharpness but that's because I'm trying to shoot in relatively low light with inexpensive lenses :( My budget does not currently allow me to upgrade at the moment.

    Anyway, if you have some examples we may be able to help identify the camera issue or possibly help you improve your skills/techniques to isolate whether the issue is the camera or the lens then you can better decide where to put your money.
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  6. #6
    Bol Ray is offline Member
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    I am bothered by the lack of detail in the shadows. even at ISO 100, the details at 80% black and above are noisy
    Name:  example.jpg
Views: 553
Size:  59.7 KB

    Name:  example2.jpg
Views: 548
Size:  79.4 KB

    Is this what everybody faces?

    The colour depth in this shot is also lost
    Name:  IMG_8488.jpg
Views: 562
Size:  111.6 KB

    Trust me, these don't print as well as can be seen on the screen!

    All I am asking is, I think I want to invest in a camera or lens now and I am strictly aiming to achieve a sharper image. in addition, I only have a budget to buy a lens or a body. which one should I upgrade? the body or the glass?
    Last edited by Bol Ray; 04-12-2011 at 08:51 AM.

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