What type of image for B&W
Since the black and white section has been started I thought I would have a go. Selecting a subject with would have been traditionally black and white I thought give it a go.
1) I found it hard to set levels in Black and White and I ended up setting in colour first.
2) Where does one do the converting. I selected the RAW plug-in with Photoshop CS4 as seemed the sooner converted the better but I also used the selective tool to lighten the pistons and valve gear area and I am sure with some more skill the selecting of colour sliders in the conversion could do better job.
3) So set levels finally in Photoshop and Un-sharp mask but then what do I save it as? Jpeg is a colour format so although saved here as Jpeg I am sure that is wrong.
I will guess I should use GIF but not at all sure. My attempt seemed to lock up Photoshop and as I write this the file is still trying to be processed so what file format should be used for Black and White?