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I've come to the conclusion that I am stagnating in my photography. I may be getting better technically, but have definitely lost some inspiration and creativity. Had a look at some pics from few years ago and they are definitely more creative than anything I am dong today. In a podcast they had a photographer from Scotland that has a body of work called "Dark Edinburgh" See link
Dark Images of Edinburgh
I kind of liked this concept and thought I'd give myself a little project to give this a try. It will at least give my photography a little direction, and hopefully it will inspire me to be a bit more creative. I gave it a little test run last night. Maybe not the best choice. It was -8C with a cold wind so I was only out there for maybe 2 hours. Anyway here are my first set of images. I know I have a long way to go for some dynamite images, but it at least gives me a goal for something to achieve.
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Five Guys is a real winner. Sure as heck didn't know they were that far north.
You're on the right track, asnow. Even in street it going to help if you have an idea to work with. Walking around with a camera and no imaginative plan to go with it gets you about as far as…walking around with a camera and no imaginative plan. You just don't come back with much that hasn't been done a thousand times before. I've got a little something going on with the idea of "The Bible Belt" behind it. You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a church and I don't mean ones as big and nice as St. Peter's Cathedral, either. I hope it works out for both of us, my friend.
I like where you are headed with this asnow - nothing like a 'project' to re juice the spirit!
Thanks Barefoot, Marko for the encouragement. I needed something to focus on. Now I just need the weather to cooperate. We are back in the polar vortex again. May have to wait a couple of weeks to continue.
Great idea asnow. Having just finished my project I can recommend it as a way to get some focus. As you progress with it I am sure your approach to it will evolve and you will find opportunities you cant imagine at the moment. One of the benefits of my simple windows project was the spin off shots I got , and the approach to my weekly photography outing.
Great start so far. Really like # 2 & #4 and also the juxtaposition of the last shot. I would love to see the on going results if you feel so inclined to share.
I am giving consideration to another project myself, but not the same type of approach as the last one.
Shooting at night is a great idea, great challenge. Shooting with gloves on: makes you learn your camera for sure. My favorite in this set is the wide angle shot, first in the second post. Very sharp photo with an interesting midground thing, maybe an ice patch or something. Makes an interesting highlight.
My favorite is also the first wide angle shot. Keep shooting.
I agree in that looking like you found some inspiration here, and are running with it very well ASnow.
Likin' #3, but the more I sit and look at #1 the more it just draws you right into the depths of the alley. Really like the feeling that you are "right there", and not looking at a pic. Well done.
I have to agree with HBG. This isn't my style, but the photo draws me in, so I'd have to say it works. I'd also say that as ling as things remain cold, don't be afraid to hop back into the car, or into a warm building, or even call it a night. I'd hate to see you end up ill or hurt.