Was out in the yard with our dogs and noticed how the sun was just lighting bits of our Black Eyed Susan. Posted in Lr 4.1
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Was out in the yard with our dogs and noticed how the sun was just lighting bits of our Black Eyed Susan. Posted in Lr 4.1
Nice use of the light Ed
Cheers Dwayne!
Beautiful subject and tone. Very well done.
This is a really beautiful shot. I love the light. Do you have any advice for an amateur about capturing this sort of light? Which setting do you start with? Shutter speed?
Thanks Barefoot.
Nic - I do most, if not all of shooting in manual mode, first step for me is usually composition. If I'm using a prime lens, then it is me moving in and out to get the framing I want, if I have a zoom on - then I will select the focal length that gives me the framing. Second, I will normally select my apeture (f stop) based on how much depth of field I want and finally with all the other parameters set, the shutter speed is dialed in with the camera's light meter to 0 ( if the shutter speed falls below a 30th of a second I will either increase the iso to say a 400th to an 800th if I do not have a tripod handy or urgency is a factor, if I have a tripod - set it up and dial it all in again). Hope that helps.
If you are currently shooting in full auto, try apeture priority and then review what the camera says is a good setting.
Works for me. Love the monochrome treatment, the detail and oh yes, the light. Well spotted.
Thanks edG for sharing your process with me. I really appreciate it. I have been shooting in aperture priority, I think I should start shooting in manual so that I'm thinking more deliberately about the settings. I have a basic understanding about the correlation of aperture, shutter speed & iso, but I struggle with my approach to setting up a shot. So you talking about your approach really helps. I need to experiment more & learn how to see the light. Thanks again for taking the time to help me.
no problem, any time