Attachment 11626
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I like the way the lamps line up and march down the side of the boardwalk on this.
black and white is an excellent choice for this.
Thank you, Quiet One and Bambi! Cheers :)
I quite like this, good repeating pattern. Not much going on in the water though, I might have cropped this much closer to the first pole because of that fact. Just a thought.
Thanks, Marko. Trying to understand when negative space is an asset and when it's a distraction is not a trivial task ;)
Well I can tell you that with this particular image the crop you suggest could totally work, however, I think it would give a different mood to the shot as it would get rid of a lot of the light and I feel would throw the shot out of balance for my taste. Challenge! ;)
I like how the lamp posts provide a leading line down the boardwalk. The other reason, I think, you might want to crop on the left is that it seems a bit washed out on the left hand side. You would have to try it to see. As you said it might change the mood.
just to wade in with my completely inexpert opinion.... I like the water here. It add a neat light/dark ying/yang quality to it.:twocents: