View Full Version : DuckRabbit

05-11-2010, 11:58 AM
I saw an add for them on here and read through their website. I can not testify firsthand at this time, but their website and philosophy are impressive. I think for high quality larger B&W prints, this may be the way to go:
Duckrabbit Speaks (http://blog.duckrabbitdigital.com/)

05-11-2010, 01:09 PM
I too am starting to think about A1 printing places. I'd love to find more Canadian places and I'll likely start with Montreal..I'll let you know what i find out. (I'll post 3 recommended Toronto places shortly)

Thx - Marko

In terms of Duckrabbit - Just as an FYI they are located in New york.
Duckrabbit Digital‎120 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217(503) 951-8423‎duckrabbitdigital.com (http://maps.google.com/local_url?q=http://www.duckrabbitdigital.com/&dq=&hl=en&georestrict=input_srcid:aceb15333ddc468a&ved=0CCEQ5AQ&sa=X&ei=mI7pS_HZEYfejAPNydyRCw&s=ANYYN7ml4eqnv7ZYX0eKzlZgh1BbbSW9hA)

05-18-2010, 10:58 AM
@JAS_photo: Thank you for the shout-out!

@Marko (and anyone else): We are physically located in New York, but we market ourselves to online customers. We started the business so that we could offer fine-art printing to people who don't have access to local artisan printers.

Thanks for visiting the site, and good luck with your artistic endeavors.