View Full Version : Hello - A photographic introduction

07-09-2008, 11:33 AM
I've posted a quick intro in the 'Introductions' thread', but I thought I would post a few of my recent images to allow people to get to me a little better photographically speaking. I've posted them in this thread, because in addition to displaying my work, I always welcome feedback and suggestions for ways in which I can improve.


A mosque in Suez City

A (very lonely) Egyptian army guard at Suez Canal security station

A deliveryman in the old market in Dubai

Mothers have the same problems the world over...

07-09-2008, 03:35 PM
I really like shot 3 in this series and feel it's the strongest of the 4 shots.

The portrait shows a man in his environment and suggests quite a bit about his life. I also like the juxtaposition with the "Essentials" poster in the window.
My main critique to make the shot even better would be a wee bit more sharpening on the eyes as they are not the sharpest element in the shot and IMO they should be.

Hope that helps and welcome again! :)


07-09-2008, 11:45 PM
I really like shot 3 in this series and feel it's the strongest of the 4 shots.

The portrait shows a man in his environment and suggests quite a bit about his life. I also like the juxtaposition with the "Essentials" poster in the window.
My main critique to make the shot even better would be a wee bit more sharpening on the eyes as they are not the sharpest element in the shot and IMO they should be.

Hope that helps and welcome again! :)


Thanks, appreciate the input and agree. Unfortunately these images are taken "under cover" that is, by walking around with the camera around my neck, zoomed out, and just turning my body to aim it. While many of the locals don't mind having their pictures taken, quite a few object, and some very strongly; since my Arabic isn't strong enough to ask permission, I've resorted to this method, which gets some interesting results, but not always a technically perfect capture.