View Full Version : Ottawa joins the war on photography

03-24-2010, 09:01 PM
Well with the Government and Opposition we have it is little wonder we follow such idiotic and failed policies of other mentally stunted places where it is nothing but a failure. Our government does not want to fall behind in the war who can make the most feeble minded warnings and laws.

An individual taking photos or pictures in a location that has no particular interest, drawing maps or sketches, taking notes or wandering in the same location for an unusually long time

Who is to say what is of interest? Now the sketching one has me really in stitches, hey lets blow up this place but to hell with time lets just make a sketch of it rather say use Google earth. I knew something was sketchy about people who sketch. Like most photographers I spend my time taking photos of things that most people would find of no particular interest until after I photograph it.

The security of the transit systems (http://www.sto.ca/secure/index_en.html)

03-24-2010, 09:08 PM
Doesn't count here where drivers get lost regularly:
An unexpected detour of your bus from its regular transit route, unannounced by your driver or an official notice from the operator of the transit system.

I will look out for the sketchy individuals. Look a bike gang of them

Mad Aussie
03-24-2010, 09:41 PM
Like most photographers I spend my time taking photos of things that most people would find of no particular interest until after I photograph it.
So true!

04-08-2010, 07:53 AM
one can always diguise themselves as "homeless" that way no one will ever notice you:clown:

04-08-2010, 08:43 AM
This just makes me kinda sad. :sad:

04-08-2010, 08:44 AM
What I find even more disturbing is the recent rash of Thought Police that seems to be going on everywhere. I see more and more ads for people to be on the lookout for anyone suspicious. If you are doing something "different" then you might be a terrorist and you should be reported to police. It sounds like Nazis, 1984, Nightwatch (B5 fans know this group), etc. It all seems extremely Orwellian to me and it seems to be happening a lot lately.

04-08-2010, 08:58 AM
I agree, this saddens me quite a bit.

04-08-2010, 09:03 AM
unfortunately big brother has the need to "profile" citizens who fit the bill as anti social. As photographers we tend to try and not be noticed when taking a shot as to get a feeling of candidness and this is seen as being anti social in some governments. They are not only looking for someone that looks foreign but in fact look at people who look domestic due to factions like the IRA and american homegrown terrorists like McVay. Do they honestly think that a "terrorist" would haul his expensive DSLR and tele lens out in public when they could go unoticed using a cellphone? Or is that their thinking, hiding in plain sight? Hmmmmmmmm.:confused:

04-08-2010, 02:03 PM
...snip... Do they honestly think that a "terrorist" would haul his expensive DSLR and tele lens out in public when they could go unoticed using a cellphone? Or is that their thinking, hiding in plain sight? Hmmmmmmmm.:confused:

Yeah, that's the funny thing to me. I'm sure if I were a terrorist trying to video tape or photograph a "classified" area then I would not do it with a big DSLR. For a not too unreasonable amount of money you can get cameras that would fit into a pair of sunglasses and all the person has to do is nonchalantly stroll through the area looking around as they go. Where's the sense in chasing someone with a DSLR?

04-08-2010, 10:46 PM
I think it all boils down to a reason for the authoritues/government to have "just cause" to do anything. if they don't like people snapping photos...now they have "just cause to hassle them.
Really it is all intimidation and fear to keep people down, in line and behaving...that's been the MO of the USA for years and years...and many other countries also. Before the catch word "terrorist"...it was the catch word "Communist" ...then the cold war ended and the powers that be needed another boogeyman...so we will now call them terrorists. One must never let people get too comfortable... they may start thinking for themselves and that is bad.
Really all this is just propaganda and in a sense it is all a type of brainwashing. :mad:
Fear keeps people in line and behaving like good citizens. :yuck:

I wonder what air/travel scare they will come up with next Christmas season?????? Anyone else notice each year around Christmas time there is a new travel warning/air scare?
Sorry I did not mean to hijack the thread....I just think they are all one in the same is all. :)

04-13-2010, 05:21 PM
A recent incident at Walt Disney World:
Disney Thinks Photographers Are Terrorists William Beem Photography (http://williambeem.com/?p=330)

Mad Aussie
04-13-2010, 06:32 PM
Not so magical is it!

04-13-2010, 07:51 PM
I actually haven't thought that it was magical for a long time. there was an incident in which someone drowned on one of the river boat rides. Disney did not stop the ride or shut it down to get the body. Rather they waited until the park closed so that business would not be disrupted. I found that level of callousness horrible and decided that I really had no interest in giving them my money.

04-14-2010, 09:34 PM
Well know your rights and stand up as long as comfortable and be nice no matter how you are treated. You have rights and do not let anyone deny you of them. It will be only sad if photographers let themselves be walked over, do not let it happen. Fight back, get involved where you can and write your city councilor, your MPP and your MP complain about these abuse of our CONSTITUTIONAL Rights. I read it and fired off a number of emails to those I mentioned above. If you sit back and let it happen it will.