03-24-2010, 08:36 PM
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2780/4299380175_b51af41897_o.jpg (http://www.karljohnston.com/art/slave-river-aurora/4760383)
Legend speaks that Behemoth was a word to describe the largest of all creatures to exist. It certainly felt that way when an aurora spanned miles above me, dwarving clouds and stretching herself out to fill the span of the river. The entire Slave River turned emerald green to reflect her beauty and appeared to dance to the same pace as her majesty, above.
Legend speaks that Behemoth was a word to describe the largest of all creatures to exist. It certainly felt that way when an aurora spanned miles above me, dwarving clouds and stretching herself out to fill the span of the river. The entire Slave River turned emerald green to reflect her beauty and appeared to dance to the same pace as her majesty, above.